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Sharon Rivera Sanchez

Trials of Color, United States
Patient Advocate and CEO
I am Sharon Rivera-Sanchez, founder & CEO of Trials of Color and Saving Pennies 4 A Cure, non-profits 501-C3 organizations founded in 2018, & Trials of Color in 2022. The mission is to educate, advocate, and empower cancer patients with a primary focus on Diversity in Clinical trials, awareness, and prevention. In 2015, I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer & equally participated in 2 clinical trials, one in California and the other at University of Pennsylvania. By 2021, I became a caregiver for my younger brother who lost his battle to colon cancer in December 2021. It was a life changing experience and I channeled that energy to raising awareness on clinical trials, colon and breast cancer with booths on the ground.

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