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Duane Schulthess

Vital Transformation LLC, United States
Chief Executive Officer
Duane Schulthess is the CEO of Vital Transformation, an economics consultancy in Brussels, Belgium and Washington, DC. He is a member of the U.S. Congressional Health Care Task Force, and the Executive Producer of the Vital Health Podcast, ranked in the top 30 healthcare podcasts by traffic. Previously, he was the EMEA Head of Corporate Development of The Wall Street Journal. Duane has an MBA from KU Leuven's Vlerick Management School. He received a Leverhulme Trust Fellowship to study the French horn at London's Royal Academy of Music, and has a BA Magna Cum Laude from the University of the Pacific where he studied music and managerial economics, graduating Phi Kappa Phi. He is a senior associate of the UK's Royal Society of Medicine.

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